نام فایل:فیس Theo Hernández توسط Litos برای PES 2017
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دانلود فیس Theo Hernández توسط Litos برای PES 2017
توجه:این نسخه فشرده شده دارای ۵% ریکاوری می باشد. این ویژگی باعث می شود تا مشکل در اکسترکت کردن فایل ها، کاملا به صفر برسد. برای استفاده از این ویژگی ، اگر فایلی را دانلود کردید و با مشکل اکسترکت مواجه شدید (مانند خطای CRC یا Password) ، نرم افزار Winrar را اجرا نموده ، به محلی که فایل های فشرده را دانلود کرده اید مراجعه کنید ، و تمامی پارت ها را انتخاب کرده و گزینه Repair که در قسمت بالایی نرم افزار موجود هست را بزنید. سپس محلی مناسب برای ذخیره سازی آن ها انتخاب کنید. پس از اتمام کار ، به محلی که برای ذخیره سازی انتخاب کردید مراجعه نموده و با آن فایل استخراج کنید.
Hello my friend, good evening, I am LitosFacemaker, I am very thankful to share my work, but I am surprised to see that you do not respect the original links of my faces, and therefore you do not respect my works, which is not well, I ask you please, My original links to share my faces (works), I do not ask you not to share it, I am very grateful for doing so, I only ask you to please, you respect my original links, I hope your answer and in advance I thank you, thank you very much x read me and I hope to know me, because you know that it’s hours and hours to edit, and with my links I can see my effort rewarded, although in a minimal way but rewarded. thank you very much. 🙁
Hi Bro And thanks to your Great Works
I Changed The links of your works to original Mediafire Or Zippyshare Links
If they’re not your’s Please Send me the links and They will be corrected
Hello my friend, good day, I am very grateful to read me and for your quick response, and I saw you put my original link, but what I mean is to respect these public links in my Facebook page or in my topic Forum on Evo-web:
There are my original links, they are advertisements that are before seeing the links in Zhippy or MediaFire and so every time a person downloads or visit them I receive a monetary reward (gratification that is minimal, almost nothing), but somehow I am very grateful in advance, you are very good to read and respond, and also to understand, I hope your answer, and you can make me order some face or player playing in Europe to do it By the way, thank you very much in advance, and success in all my friend.
hi litos ;face maker i hope you ‘re fine
i just wanted to say that the cartoon is superb and of great quality ; and i hope to make
the faces of players in barcelona too :heart:
Clear! And thank you very much for your words, my next Barcelona project will be Gerard Deulofeu from Barcelona 🙂 attentive friend :good:
good,good luck :rose: :heart:
سلام خواهشا فیس باکایوکو بازیکن جدید چلسی رو بزارید.